English upmarket distribution outlet a posh shop luxurary premium price balance sheet P&L (profit and loss) assets and liability bilanz spin doctors 'a positive spin' to exploit opportunities (positive) to engage attention streamline (hr - to sack) to make sth more efficient by simplifying it props support pace speed palate gaumen to fancy - to enjoy to dread sth. - to be afraid of sth. to resent - to dislike what others do to you to get round to - to find the time to do sth.. You could try opening the window - a suggestion You could try to open the window - it's stuck procedure - verfahren to doodle / a doodler - keeping your mind busy during a presentation dumping - to sell sth under cost price the peso is pegged to the us dollar mercosur concise - short criterion - criteria to crack down on racketeers - to get tough with gangstas to bargain - feilschen to negotiate - a negotiation has a structure to haggle - shouting barganing discreet - ? pine cone - tannenzapfen depreciation - abwertung amortisation - invisible depreciation (financial sector) a mortgage - long term loan for property and real estate nepotism - good relation with your family fame - recognation of success surety - financial security, that the accused man can leave jail